Facing Challenges to Grow

Female smiling
I wanted to get out of my comfort zone. I was told that in a consortium, I would be served. It was true!

If you want Cynthia to get bored, give her a simple task to complete. She's not interested in a life without obstacles or risks. With multiple people and partners to coordinate on the construction sites of the stations, the REM will always remain an intense yet proud moment for Cynthia.  

A project of this magnitude takes you through a whole range of emotions. Cynthia's story is no exception.  

When talking to her, it only takes a few seconds to be inspired by the passion and love she feels for her work. Although her eyes light up when she talks about the REM, Cynthia also has some less happy memories related to it. During the years she was involved in the project, she lost both her parents.  

I always say this as a joke, but when I will board the REM for the first time, I'm likely to cry. My father was very fond of the REM. He was proud that his daughter was contributing to a once-in-a-lifetime project. I wish I could have taken my first train ride with him.

Taking Her Place in Her Own Way 

When asked how it felt to be one of the only women in the consortium, Cynthia hardly seemed to notice. Although she was aware that she was often the only woman in meetings, she never felt she was treated differently by her colleagues.  

I've never felt that being a woman was detrimental to my work. Rather the opposite, I have strengths that others don't have. We complement each other. It's the expertise that counts. It doesn't matter whether you're a man or a woman.

In fact, she encourages all young women who want to take part in major projects with a male dominated team to not hesitate and take their place.  

If this would have stopped me, I'd have missed out on one of the best experiences of my life.

Standing out Through Good Relationships 

Cynthia is a rigorous woman who knows how to adapt to any situation. With a successful career to her credit prior to her arrival on the REM and during the project, no one was surprised when she was offered a promotion within the consortium in 2022. 

No one, except for her...

I didn't expect it. It was a touching recognition of all the work I've done so far in my career. It just goes to show that having the right connections can open unexpected doors.



About Cynthia

Name: Cynthia Lortie 

  • With Pomerleau since 2003.
  • Active member of the NouvLR consortium.
  • On a personal note: She is an alpine skiing enthusiast.

On the REM Project

  • Since 2019.
  • Title on the project: Project Coordinator.
  • Role on the project: Ensure information flow and collaboration between the various stakeholders.