To honour those affected by workplace tragedies, we sponsored and participated in Threads of Life’s Steps for Life Walks. Over 150 employees across Toronto, Montreal, Halifax, St. John’s, Vancouver and Ottawa gathered with colleagues and family members to commemorate the lives of the more than 1,000 workers who are killed on the job or die because of workplace injury or illness every year. They raised $8,426 for the cause.
The Association for Workplace Tragedy Family Support, known as Threads of Life, is a Canadian registered charity dedicated to supporting families after a workplace fatality, life-altering injury, or occupational disease. Thanks to Threads of Life, 3,600 Canadian families are currently receiving moral and financial support to help them through difficult life-changing experiences. Threads for Life believes traumatic workplace injuries, occupational diseases and deaths are preventable. We agree.
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is our main priority. We rely on a combination of prevention, awareness, training, and information sharing to promote OHS. That’s why we are proud to be involved with Steps for Life again. This year was especially important to us because we helped organize Montreal’s walk, which was the first one in Quebec.
We know that our employees are no strangers to the worksite hazards. One of our Regional Quality Coordinators, Nelson Senechal's nephew was the victim of a workplace tragedy. This tragedy inspired Nelson speak up about OHS on his sites. Sylvain Poulin, one of our superintendents, suffers from tinnitus due to continuous exposure to noise on construction sites. He helps his team take the correct measures to prevent chronic injuries. Their stories serve as reminders to always prioritize OHS.
Our commitment to providing the best OHS practices and standards for the mental and physical well-being of our employees extends across all our sites and offices. Together, we are working towards an industry where workplace fatalities and injuries are non-existent.