Why we’re updating Pomerleau’s brand identity

Pomerleau logo

By Veronique Boileau, Vice President - Communications & Branding

Today’s the big day! We’re finally ready to unveil Pomerleau’s fresh new brand. We’ve been engaged in this major unifying project for some time now, and we’re finally able to share with you the excitement we’ve all felt. However, some of you might be wondering, “why are we doing this?”

Today, our company stands at a crossroads. We’re entering an economic recovery we hope will be sustainable and we’re working hard to achieve our ambitious business objectives. This new brand will be a touchstone for Pomerleau; one that accurately reflects our leadership in an industry that’s busy reinventing itself, as well as our proactive role in making a lasting positive impact on our community and shaping the future of construction in Canada.

Shaping the Future

“Shaping the future” – an evocative statement that lies at the very heart of our new brand image. These powerful words are more relevant than ever since, at Pomerleau, we’re shaping the future together each and every day. We do this because we believe in a collaborative, sustainable, innovative, and more human future. We fully recognize that our mission involves not only the task of creating infrastructures or constructing buildings, but also building communities and living spaces. Our aim has always been to leave a positive mark on the lives of the people we serve.

Our new brand is founded on these key elements,and will be deployed in all of our communications across the board, with consistency and impact, moving forward. Rest assured that we’ll be displaying our new colours proudly, in all of their variations – whether on a newly refreshed construction site you might come across, our new-look website that outlines all of our expertise, an updated iconography that explains how we’ll continue to work to reduce our footprint, or a luminous photography aesthetic that best communicates our human vision and our DNA. Because we are Pomerleau.

Chantier Pomerleau

Personally, I’m passionate about the added value that communications bring to the achievement of business objectives. I’m fascinated by the Pomerleau culture, which seems to move mountains, and by its people’s authentic desire to generate success and became an agent for change - whether for oneself, for the industry, or simply as a way to become invested in something bigger than ourselves. I believe this new brand offers us a stronger impact at a time when every minute and every dollar matters, makes us even more engaging, and helps us better position ourselves as a Canadian construction industry leader. We’re listening, we’re collaborative, we’re visionaries, we’re curious and conscientious… and I believe these qualities will now be reflected more powerfully than ever, in each interaction with our many audiences.

I want to highlight the tremendous efforts of my team members in recent weeks. Transforming a brand image is a huge undertaking for any communications team, and you’ve all come through with flying colours!