CFB Greenwood Air Traffic Control Tower

Defence Construction Canada
Delivery mode
Lump Sum
Greenwood, NS, CA
Year built

End-to-End Tower Construction

We were awarded the contract to build the 2,075 m2 CFB Greenwood air traffic control tower located at the Greenwood Canadian Forces Base to replace the existing structure.

The new cast-in-place concrete tower included the following elements:

  • A steel cabin at the top
  • A modified asphalt roof
  • A new emergency generator to power all the building's emergency circuits
  • A heating system powered by the on-base steam plant

We used 3D modeling to design, manufacture and deliver the air traffic control consoles and prototype construction for testing.

Despite strict safety requirements, we completed the project compliantly and efficiently every step of the way.

Our Challenge

Tight Security and Safety Control

We implemented a rigorous site-specific health and safety program due to strict security and safety requirements relative to working in an airport, working at heights and other major hazardous work.

The Site in Figures

2,075 m2

in total surface area

