Pomerleau Named One of Canada's Top Employers for Young People for the First Time

Canada's Top 100 Employer for Young People

Since 2002, Canada's Top Employers has highlighted the commitment of outstanding Canadian companies to providing an exceptional work experience for young people starting their careers. For the first time, Pomerleau has received this recognition and is now part of Canada's Top Employers for Young People 2023.

The Canada's Top Employers for Young People selection committee recognizes companies that implement initiatives to better support young people in the early stages of their careers and provide an exciting work environment to retain them. They have acknowledged Pomerleau's commitment to welcoming this new generation into its family.

Pomerleau is a family business that embodies strong values since its inception. It has thus stood out as a committed entrepreneur and actively participated in shaping a better future. Young workers were particularly sensitive to this opportunity to have a positive impact on society. Pomerleau has also worked on welcoming its new employees and providing ongoing support to help them reach their full potential.

We share this recognition with all our employees who create a meaningful, supportive, and unique employment experience for the young people who join our company. A big thank you to them, and to the young employees who trust us in their early career steps. It is an honour to be able to shape your future!